As authorised and factory trained service agents of MKS Anlasser, PulseTech was requested to assist with preventative maintenance inspection of 2 x 4.2 MW Ball Mill MKS liquid resistance starters (LRS) for a large iron ore mine and magnetite processing plant in WA.
These LRSs were installed in 2010 and have been running with minimal downtime since. Due to highly critical nature of the application and high cost of potential lost production, it was important that the reliability of these LRS were maintained.
Our clients needed expert advice into the current state of the LRS, perform an audit on their current maintenance practices and provide recommendations to maintain the reliability of these starters.
Testing of Electrode Movement from Top (Rmax) to Bottom (Rmin)
Our scope of work included :
Recording and study of motor starting current as baseline data prior to inspection to identify potential issues
Measurement and verification of electrolyte solution
Detailed inspection of all individual components
Functional testing of controls
Comprehensive report of findings and factory recommendations to maintain reliability